
About me More details Hello! I am Kristina Turianskaia. I am an international teacher of English (ESL) and Russian as a Foreign Language (RFL).

I am a Master of Educational Science. Was educated in Russia, the USA, Great Britain and the Philippines. I have the international teacher certifications TRFL and TESOL.

12-year teaching experience with students around the world allowed me to elaborate my own highly effective teaching approach. I adapt and customize the curriculum for each student individually. It allows my students to start gradually speaking a foreign language already from the 4-6th lesson.
English More details Effective English learning is when the teacher takes into account your individual type of perception for new learning material, and provides you with qualified speaking practice.

With this approach, about 80% of my students nowadays apply their English skills both in work and everyday life. It is regardless of what English level they had initially.

Focusing on your goals and objectives, I can offer you both the general direction "English for adults" and more specialized courses, for example, "Business English".
Russian More details Even so difficult language to understand as Russian, I teach and explain to my students in a highly simple and comprehensible way.

Being a native Russian speaker and fluent in English, I am able to fully teach you the nuances of grammar and vocabulary. It also includes a not so easy aspect for non-Russian-speaking students as Spoken Russian.

Learning the Russian language individually with the teacher (1-to-1) or in mini-groups will contribute to you to quickly master it for any purpose - work, study, daily communication.
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